Champion Silver Fox Mountain Kodiak






Kodi's Pedigree



close up of Kodi

Sire:  Am Can Ch Harmony's Hug A Bear

Dam:  Am Can Ch Silver Fox Sassy Spitfire,  CGC


Kodi was born on December 18, 1997.   One week later (Christmas Day) his mother Sassy got mastitis so he and his 7 litter mates were hand fed for two weeks.  Needless to say, these puppies are particularly special to us!  Kodi was "Mr. Personality" from the start.  His past times include splashing in his backyard pond and playing keep away with his stuffed toys.  He's very good with his stuffies and has had some for well over a year.  



HIP OFA:  SA 12291G26M-T
CERF:  SA 3658-2003--72
CHIC: 36454




4th place in puppy 9 to 12 month class 1998 SCA National
10 months old at SCA '98


August 1998:  Samoyed Club Of Washington State Specialty. Kodi placed 2nd in both his puppy sweeps class and regular class.

October 1998:  Samoyed Club of America National Specialty.  Kodi placed 3rd in Futurity under breeder Janice Hovelman and 4th in his regular class under breeder judge Jeanne Zuver. He really showed his potential in these first shows and we're quite pleased!

June 1999:  Kodi was first in both his sweepstakes and regular class at the first Willamette Valley Samoyed Fanciers Specialty. The following day he won his Bred By Exhibitor dog class, was Reserve Winners Dog to a 4 point major, won the Best Bred By Exhibitor Samoyed competition and finished the day with a Bred By Exhibitor Working Group 2.  What a great day!

October 1999: Kodi was Winners Dog all 4 days at the 1999 Gem State Cluster shows in Boise and Best of Winners 3 of the 4 days.  He's "discovered" girls, so it will be interesting to see if he keeps his mind on "business" at the next shows.  Typical adolescent boy dog behavior! 

March 2000:  Kodi needed Best of Winners to get the major at the Timberland shows in Centralia, WA on March 12th,  but was far too busy trying to impress the Winners Bitch to show what he can really do in the ring!  The WB in contrast showed her heart out and walked away with BOB and went on to a Group 3!  

June 2000:  Kodi placed second in Bred By Exhibitor class at Willamette Valley Samoyed Fanciers Specialty on June 2nd and Northern California Samoyed Fanciers Specialty on June 9th. His actions spoke volumes: "So many girls so little time!"  He finally calmed down by the time we got to the Gem State Cluster in Blackfoot, Idaho and was Winners Dog on June 16.  On June 18 he took Winners Dog, Best of Winners, Best of Opposite Sex and to top it off, he got a very good look for Best of Breed!  

October 2000:  Kodi went Winners Dog for his first major at the Gem State Cluster in Boise under judge Melbourne Downing and topped it of with Best of Winners!  

January 13, 2001:  Kodi was Winners Dog and Best Of Winners at Sammamish Kennel Club under Judge Pat Laurens for 2 points and is completely minored out.  Now we're on the hunt for that last major to finish!!

June 22, 2001:  New Champion!  First show since January and  he went Winners Dog for a 4 point major to finish at Willamette Valley Samoyed Fanciers Specialty under breeder-judge Shirley Mangini! 



WD for 4 point major at WVSF Specialty

Breeder judge Shirley Mangini



SCA 2003: Kodi stayed home for two years until he went to the Samoyed Club of America National Specialty on October 25, 2003 in Riverside, CA.  He made both the first and second cuts over several Best in Specialty Show winning dogs under judge Judith Goodin and barked his pleasure at being back in the limelight. 






Kodi free stacking
Photo courtesy of Ron Manor



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